Parking Lot Safety: How to Stay Alert and Avoid Potential Threats

Parking lots and garages are common locations for crimes like theft, harassment, and even abductions. They provide easy cover for criminals, but with the right precautions, you can minimize your risk and stay safe.

1. Scan Your Surroundings Before Walking to Your Car

  • Avoid distractions like texting while walking.

  • Keep your head up and scan the area as you approach.

  • If something feels off, return inside or ask for an escort.

2. Carry Your Keys and Be Ready to Use Them

  • Have your keys in hand before leaving the store or building.

  • Use your key fob's panic button if you feel threatened.

  • If attacked near your car, don’t focus on getting inside—defend yourself first.

3. Park Smart and Stay in Well-Lit Areas

  • Always choose spots near entrances, exits, or security cameras.

  • Avoid parking next to large vans or vehicles that block visibility.

  • At night, ask a security guard or store employee to escort you.

4. What to Do If Someone Approaches You

  • If a stranger gets too close, use strong body language and command presence.

  • Walk away quickly while keeping them in sight.

  • Never engage in conversation with someone who makes you uncomfortable.

5. Be Wary of Distractions and Tricks

  • Scammers might pretend to need help to get you to stop.

  • If you see something suspicious on your car (flyers, zip ties, etc.), get inside and drive away before removing it.

  • If you think you're being followed, drive to a well-lit public place and call for help.

Parking lot safety is often overlooked, but it’s a key part of daily security. Developing good habits can help reduce risk and increase confidence in these common yet vulnerable spaces.


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